About My “Take Heart” Blog

This blog is about inspiration – something that I think ALL of us can use more of in today’s day and age. All of us are on some kind of journey – moving at different speeds, heading in different directions, with different destinations in mind. We cross many other’s paths along the way; sometimes we take people with us and sometimes we leave people behind. Sometimes we run adrift with no set course. Sometimes we get scared and avoid taking risks. Sometimes we get stuck. Sometimes we go backwards. Sometimes we get lost.

According to the Cambridge Idioms Dictionary, 2nd ed., the idiom “take heart” means: to start to feel more hopeful and more confident. To help me keep moving in a purposeful direction and to garner the courage I need to take risks, I “take heart” from a multitude of sources: my reading, my spirituality, my mentors, my teachers, my family & friends, colleagues and peers, and from my own life experience.

But – “take heart” means a lot more to me than just feeling hopeful and confident. It is also a reminder that we should take our hearts with us. When is the last time you sat and reflected on what your heart is telling you to do? Listen to your heart because therein lies the truth – the core of who you are.

In my journey, I try see the world with hopeful eyes and can see many possibilities of where I can go. Like everyone else, I run into obstacles. I make mistakes. I get stuck. So I write this blog to try to figure “things” out, and when I feel inspired, I share some of my lessons learned in case someone out there may find it helpful.

In my posts, I want to share what inspires me to “take heart” and keep moving in my journey with purpose and intent, and by doing so I hope that you find something that inspires you to do the same.


7 thoughts on “About My “Take Heart” Blog

  1. Beautiful My Sister . . . Absolutely Beautiful!!!
    Writing is very therapeutic and the more you do it, the better you feel and the more people will get healed, encouraged and empowered, right along with you!!!!!!
    I AM SO VERY PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!


  2. Laurie!
    You are such a wonderful writer and beautiful person! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with your friends and the world. I am so thankful for your friendship and the blessings you’ve brought to my life. Way to go!!!!

  3. I can’t believe I am just now discovering your blog! I’ve only read a couple entries but I can’t wait to read them all. I love the questions I am pausing and thinking about because of you. So proud of you!!

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